If Route Directive

An AngularJS directive that acts like ngIf but shows/removes the element based in the current route path.


<div drpx-if-route="/?">
    This is present only when route is the root.

<div drpx-if-route="/products">
    This is present only when route is /products.

<div drpx-if-route="/products/[^/]+">
    This is present only when route is pointing to a product, /products/:id.

How to install

Add the bower component drpx-components:

    $ bower install --save drpx-components

Add the dependency to your index.html:

    <script src="bower_components/drpx-components/drpxIfRouteDirective.js"></script>

Make sure that you have included the dependency with DrpxIfDirectiveSupport:

     <script src="bower_components/drpx-components/DrpxIfDirectiveSupport.js"></script>

Add the dependency to you YourApp.js:

    angular.module('YourApp', [

        // ...your other dependencies...



How to use

Invoke it in your html templates using the directive as attribute and as value a string with a regular expression that should satisfy the current url:

<ANY drpx-if-route="yourStringRegex"> content present when the route matches</ANY>